analysis (1) bash (1) bias (1) case-study (1) dimensionality-reduction (1) engineering (1) geometry (2) gmm (1) graphs (1) images (1) introduction (1) jupyter (3) linear-algebra (2) optimization (1) quickie (6) randomness (1) simulation (2) statistics (7)

 analysis (1)

Introduction to Histograms? How do they work? [part 1]

 bash (1)

Bash arguments

 bias (1)

Biased observations

 case-study (1)

Sorting colors [case study]

 dimensionality-reduction (1)

Sorting colors [case study]

 engineering (1)

Bash arguments

 geometry (2)

Voronoi [part 1]
Simplify your lines

 gmm (1)

Gaussian Mixture Models

 graphs (1)

Blue noise

 images (1)

Blue noise

 introduction (1)


 jupyter (3)

Introduction to Histograms? How do they work? [part 1]
Quick, a math trick!
Sorting colors [case study]

 linear-algebra (2)

Quick, a math trick!
We need more data!

 optimization (1)

Voronoi [part 1]

 quickie (6)

Bash arguments
Quick, a math trick!
Simplify your lines
Biased observations
We need more data!
What do you 'mean'?

 randomness (1)

Blue noise

 simulation (2)


 statistics (7)

Blue noise
Benford's Law
Blending guesses
Biased observations
What do you 'mean'?
Gaussian Mixture Models