Hello world!

I’m Mando, a junior Data Scientist working for Jetpack, a small company based in Brussels, Belgium. I’ve created this blog with the aim of improving my writing skills and sharing my thoughts on various Data Science topics, including statistics, optimization algorithms, and graphs. These fundamental concepts form the building blocks of many algorithms found in popular libraries like scikit-learn.

Focus Areas

While I currently specialize in statistics, optimization algorithms, and graphs, I have aspirations to delve into the exciting realm of deep learning and neural networks. However, before I can explore these advanced topics, I want to solidify my understanding of the basics. Currently, my experience with deep learning is limited, and I feel it’s crucial to have a strong conceptual foundation before diving deeper.

Future Plans

In the future, I plan to share my insights and knowledge about deep learning and neural networks. As I gain more experience and expertise in this area, I will explore concepts such as artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and recurrent neural networks. Stay tuned for future posts on these intriguing subjects!

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with me, please feel free to use the social links provided in the footer of this page. I’d be more than happy to connect and engage in discussions about Data Science and related topics.